From the alpha of the twentieth century, accurate and amusing accurate analysis has been characterized by bookish barter amid Europe and the US. The enactment of the Third Reich ensured that, from the German speaking world, at least, this became a one-way traffic. In this book Christian Fleck explores the apparatus of empiric amusing research, which by 1950 had become the bounden barometer of all-embracing scholarship, and he analyses the addition of German refugee amusing scientists to its establishment.
The above names are here, from Adorno and Horkheimer to Hirshman and Lazarsfeld, but at the affection of the book is a different aggregate adventures based on aboriginal abstracts from added than 800 German-speaking amusing scientists. Published in German in 2008 to abundant acclaim, Fleck's important abstraction of the across accessory of the amusing sciences is now accessible in a revised English-language edition.
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